NexPTG Coating Thickness Gauge - Professional
By Avenon Technology
The Paint Thickness Gauge and free app make the perfect pair to easily measure and analyze automotive or industrial finishes and coatings. The Professional version has a movable head allowing for precise measurements on concave and convex surfaces. Free app & installation on any mobile devise equipped with iOS or Android.
This handheld electronic gauge quickly measuresautomotive coating thickness on both ferrous andnonferrous metals with exact precision. Eachmeasurement is recorded and transmittedwirelessly to a mobile application where it is stored and interpreted for future analysis.All measurements can be reviewed from within the free application, where users can generatestatements or reports, and send emails to clientsseconds after inspection. Work can continue without interruption.
- Bluetooth connectivity with any Android or iOS device
- Ability to generate instant reports & statements
- Ability to directly export data to email from app
- Private labeling options for gauge & app
- Multi-lingual app menu
- Two-year warranty
Customer Support Line: 720-933-2204