Hedson IRT 4-1 PcAuto Curing Lamp - most complete mobile dryers with the highest output and capacity. The products are easy to use and the curing times are reduced to a minimum. One compact cassette. Each cassette is composed of 4 IRT short wave lamps and a cooling ventilator. The lamps are fixed in gold coated FreeForm reflector bodies for optimal heat distribution. Features include: automatic temperature control of the drying surface, automatic distance indication and laser sight guide for correct alignment over the repair area.
Unique possibilities to position the cassettesGold-coated FreeForm reflectors for optimal heat distributionComputerised monitoring of curingPyrometer for exact temperature controlLaser circle indicates where temperature measuring takes placeElectronic distance sensorVery easy to use with 12 preset and 3 custom programsCan cure all paint materialsSmart stand designEfficient particle filter on the cassettesPowerful ventilation that cools the cassette and increases lamp lifeMaximum cassette height 81.5" (horizontal), 100.5" mm (vertical)